About CCSCollect
Your debt has been transferred to us by an organisation that you owe money to. Our job is to work with you to agree an affordable repayment plan based on your personal financial circumstances and help you to be debt free as soon as you are able.
If we do not hear from you, we will continue to try and contact you to explain the next steps we are authorised to take by our client. We may try to get in touch by letter, telephone, email, text message or personal visit.
If you have received communication from us and dispute the debt, then please contact us so we can understand the issue and help you resolve it. Otherwise, we will continue to attempt to contact you which can be frustrating for both you and us.
If you would prefer not to speak with us but would like to make a payment offer, then you can use the Affordability Assessment (PDF) and Payment Options on our website. Please also note our Independent Debt Help page.
Customer Portal
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Account -
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You simply need your Payment Reference to begin